Twice-baked potatoes with goat’s cheese
A brilliant combination of creamy mash
stuffed into crisp baked potato shells
Nutrition: per serving
Heat oven to 240C/220C fan/gas 9. Pat the pork all over with kitchen paper. Lightly rub all over with oil and sprinkle liberally with salt. Cook for 20 mins, turn down the oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5, then cook for 30 mins per 500g (about 2 hrs). Remove from the tin, place on a serving plate and loosely cover with foil.
Pour off excess fat from the tin. Add stock to the tin, then stir to incorporate meat juices and sticky bits at the bottom. Pour through a sieve into a small pan. Add mustard, honey and thyme, plus juices from the resting meat. Stir and simmer for 5 mins until starting to turn syrupy. Serve alongside the pork.