If you were an ingredient, what would you be?
Discover celebrity chef picks, from shrimp to side of beef...
As part of our 25th birthday celebrations, we called on some of our favourite chefs to share their foodie secrets. From emerging new talent such as Jack Monroe to regular BBC Good Food contributors John Torode and James Martin, we loved hearing their inventive answers. In this video, we asked them "if you were an ingredient, what would you be?" Can you guess who'd like to be a shrimp?
We then shared the video with our fans and got great answers from them too. We've picked some of our favourites below. We'd like to hear your answers as well - please get in touch below to share your ideas...
If you were an ingredient you would be...
Jennifer Hills:
"I would be an egg! Because I bring everyone together."
Jane Samuel:
"British parsley! Because I like to think I'm green, will be happy in most places. I'm a bit frilly but useful to have around!"
Christine Williams:
"I would be mature cheese! Been around a bit but still tasty :)"
Anne Cassels:
''I would be chocolate,
Bitter or sweet,
In pudding or chilli,
I'm always a treat.
Melted in fondue,
Or chunky to chew,
White, dark ,or milk,
There's one to suit you : )''
Sue Taylor:
"I would be coriander, fragrant, vibrant and aromatic...bringing out the flavour of everyone’s favourite spicy food and providing a welcome balance... not everyone would like me but the ones that did would love me with a passion and that's what matters..."
Caroline Tanner:
"Lychee - tough exterior, but sweet inside and goes well with cocktails."
Jane Young:
"Thai green chilli. Small but hot!"
Ernestas Jarusaitis:
"Water. Because it's life. Even we humans are 65% water! It's so underrated nowadays in our modern world countries as all we have to do is to open the tap!"
More birthday videos:
What meal are you most proud of?
What was the first thing you cooked?
Why should people go to BBC Good Food?
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Over to you - if you could be an ingredient, what would you be? Read more about our 25th birthday celebrations here.