If you could only taste one thing again, what would it be?
Celebrities share their desert island dishes. What would you pick?
To celebrate our 25th birthday, we asked some of our favourite chefs to share their foodie secrets. In this video, we asked the chefs "if you could only taste one thing again, what would it be?" We received some interesting answers, from a freshly boiled egg and wild Scottish raspberries to octopus in a baguette.
Now, we'd like to know your answers too - we'd love to hear from you in the comments below. We also asked our fans on social media, and had some great responses. Here's our pick of the best...
If you could only taste one thing again it would be...
Jeny MacPhee:
"The sour cherry jam I made last summer. I spent a day with my Dad picking the cherries from the tree and making the jam. It had the most amazing flavour (almost spiced, although we didn't add any spice). Not only that, it would remind me of the fun we had making it, and the recipe swapping we did for months afterwards as we kept coming up with new ideas to use it. Traditional Bakewell was good, as was the venison with sour cherry sauce. Sadly, the tree didn't fruit properly this year, but I'm already hoping for better luck next year."
Clemma Tagg:
"I would love to eat my gran's bacon and onion suet pudding again. She's 97 now and too poorly to make it. It reminds me of being young and staying with her during school holidays. She used to let me flick through her recipe books and choose a recipe to bake in the afternoon. I learnt all of my cooking skills through her and love baking to this day."
Liz Bradford:
I have Crohn's disease and I cannot eat onions without getting really ill, so I would have a big fat steak and onion rings, coleslaw and sweet potato fries!
Cheryl Urwin:
"A fish soup that my husband and I had on holiday in a little back street restaurant in Stavanger, Norway 5 years ago. Nothing, but nothing has ever come close to the taste of that dish despite having tried to recreate it MANY times and having tried many times from restaurant menus around the world. I phoned my husband at work just now to ask him the above question and he said exactly the same thing, so it's not just myself who found it absolutely amazing. It is one that we would most definitely die for!!!!"
Snezana Brankov:
"I would be so happy to taste again the dark pink little roasted potatoes that my granny made when I was little. She roasted them with salt and a small pinch of sugar. The skin was crispy, salty and had a little touch of sweetness. Sadly she passed a long time ago but I still remember the taste, the texture and the smell of the potatoes, the kitchen and her standing there and making them for me."
Andrena McCreery:
"My granny's soda bread made with buttermilk just out the oven smothered in butter! My granny gave me the recipe and the tin she used and I have made it many times but it has never and will never taste as good as she made it. I am returned to my childhood when I think of that bread and she is the reason why I started to cook/bake."
Sophie Southwell:
"Oooh toughy but I think it would have to be a proper hot chocolate complete with cream on the top, marshmallows and a chocolate flake. Just the most comforting taste in the world to me."
Paula Cullen Baumann:
"For me it would have to be good old Irish bacon and cabbage. It's my all-time favourite dinner, the ultimate in comfort food. A nice piece of not too salty boiled bacon served with buttery cabbage, mashed potatoes and a white sauce with onions. Simple food but when it's well cooked it's amazing."
Rosie Griffiths:
"Rainbow trout caught by my father; then he gutted the fish, wrapped it in very damp newspaper and cooked it in an open fire beside the river - eaten with fingers out of the paper - simple, delicious and just sheer heaven."
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Over to you - if you could taste only one thing again, what would it be? Read more about our 25th birthday celebrations here.