Sunday morning baked eggs
These creamy, indulgent eggs are baked in individual ramekins with cream, cheese and tarragon - perfect for a lazy weekend brunch
Nutrition: per serving
In a large saucepan, combine the almond milk, cloves, nutmeg and 3 tsp of the cinnamon. Bring to a simmer. Tip in the oats and cook for 6 mins over a low heat, stirring constantly, until thick and creamy, like porridge. Scrape into a mixing bowl, cover, and cool for 20 mins.
While you wait, make the caramel pears. Sprinkle the sugar evenly over a frying pan set on a low heat. Don’t stir it, but wait until it starts to melt, turning dark golden here and there. When most of the sugar is melted, gently swirl to incorporate any dry patches. Stir in 25g of the coconut butter. Toss the pear slices in the remaining cinnamon, then add to the caramel and cook for 5 mins until softened. Set aside.
Return to the oats now, beating in the eggs and ½ tsp salt to make a loose pancake-like batter. Heat oven to 140C/120C fan/gas 1 and put plates in to warm.
Melt a little of the remaining coconut butter in a frying pan. When hot, add half-ladlefuls of the batter spaced apart and cook for 4 mins each side, or until golden brown. Remove to a plate and keep warm in the oven. Continue frying the fritters, adding more coconut butter as needed. Serve the fritters topped with a spoonful of coconut yogurt followed by the warm pears.