Easy cherry compote
This rich compote makes a perfect addition to pancakes for brunch
Nutrition: per serving
Place the apples, pears, dates, cinnamon stick and orange juice in a saucepan with 1 tbsp of water. Cook on a low heat for 15-20 mins until the fruit is soft and juices have thickened. In a small bowl, mix the yogurt with the vanilla bean paste. Set aside.
Meanwhile, make the pancakes in a large bowl, sieve together the flour and baking powder. In a jug, mix the egg yolks, milk and ricotta, then whisk until smooth. In another bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Next, pour the ricotta mix into the flour, whisking together briefly. Gently fold in the egg whites in two batches.
Heat a little of the oil in a large, non-stick frying pan. Dollop in a spoonful of the pancake mixture – you’re looking to make about 12 pancakes from the batter. Fry for 1-2 mins on each side until puffed up and cooked through. Pile up on a plate with some foil placed loosely on top to keep them warm. Repeat to use up all the batter. Stir the orange segments through the compote and warm through. Serve the pancakes with a spoonful of compote and a dollop of the vanilla yogurt on the side.