Orange sorbet
Make an easy, refreshing orange sorbet using just three ingredients. This simple, zesty dessert or palate cleanser is perfect after a rich meal
Nutrition: per bombe
Line 6 small ramekins or teacups with cling film, or use a silicone muffin mould, if you have one.
Whip the cream in a large bowl until it just holds its shape. Scrape the seeds from the vanilla pod and add them to the cream with the sugar, orange zest and meringues. Gently stir, then add the gingernut crumbs. Divide among the prepared moulds or teacups and freeze for at least 2 hrs.
To make the sauce, put the orange juice in a pan with the sugar and vanilla pod. Bring to the boil, then simmer until the sugar has dissolved. Put the cornflour into a small bowl with 2 tbsp orange juice mixture. Stir until smooth, then add to the pan. Simmer and stir until the liquid has thickened, discard the pod, then leave to cool. The sauce can be made 2 days in advance.
To serve, take the bombes out of the freezer and place in the fridge for 10 mins. Turn them onto a plate, drizzle with sauce, then place a small spoonful of Orange sorbet (see 'Goes well with') next to them.