Paprika buttermilk chicken & courgette skewers
Marinate chicken in paprika buttermilk to ensure these skewers remain lovely and succulent for grilling or barbecuing
Nutrition: Per serving
Drain the peaches, reserving the liquid, then char on the barbecue for 5-8 mins. Transfer to a flameproof pan or tray and set aside.
Use a jug or hand blender to purée the reserved liquid from the peaches and 130g of the frozen raspberries. Keep chilled until needed. Will keep chilled for a day.
About 10 mins before serving, remove the ice cream from the freezer to soften slightly, and set the tray or pan of peaches over the still-warm barbecue for about 5 mins to warm through. If you like, toast the flaked almonds in a small, dry pan over a low heat. Whip the cream until it leaves a ribbon trail when the whisk is lifted out.
Cut each warmed peach half into three pieces, then divide between bowls or coupes and top with a scoop of ice cream, 1-2 dessert spoons of the raspberry purée and an equal amount of whipped cream. Scatter over the rest of the berries and the flaked almonds.