Coconut tuiles
An elegant finishing touch for your dinner party dessert, from Gordon Ramsay
Nutrition: per serving
Cut the skin off the pineapple, then cut it lengthways into quarters and remove the core from each piece. Chop the flesh roughly and purée in a food processor or blender until creamy. Pour the purée into a large sieve set over a bowl, and leave to drain in the fridge overnight. Do not stir.
Next day, pour the juice from the bowl into a freezerproof container. Freeze until solid (at least 4 hours).
Now caramelise the flesh. At this stage, in the restaurant, we rub the flesh through a sieve with the back of a ladle to make it very creamy. It’s not vital, but it makes this dessert extra-special. Tip the sugar into a medium-sized frying pan and stir in 2 tbsp cold water. Stand for 5 minutes before heating slowly over a gentle heat, shaking the pan until the sugar dissolves into a clear syrup. When all the crystals have dissolved, raise the heat and cook to a medium golden colour. Tip in the pineapple flesh and cook for 5 minutes, stirring, until flavoured and slightly reduced. Remove and cool, then keep in a covered container in the fridge until ready to serve (The purée will keep for up to 2 days.)
When the pineapple juice has frozen, scrape it into icy shavings using a large metal spoon. Place in another container and keep frozen until ready to serve.
To serve, divide the purée between 8 shot or small wine glasses and top with yogurt. (They can be chilled for up to 4 hours at this point.) Remove the shavings from the freezer and spoon over the yogurt. Top each glass with a Frosted coriander sprig and serve with Coconut tuiles.