Tiramisu cheesecake
Easy to transport and serve, this is a great dessert to take to a party. Everyone loves tiramisu and everyone loves cheesecake so it's a winner all round
Nutrition: Per serving (12)
Tip all the ingredients for the dough, and a large pinch of salt, into the bowl of a tabletop mixer with a dough hook attachment. Mix on high for 6-8 mins until the butter is fully incorporated and the texture is like a loose batter. Remove the bowl from the machine, cover with cling film and leave to prove for 30 mins or until doubled in size.
Heat oven to 170C/150C fan/gas 3½ and butter a large bundt tin. Spoon the mixture into the tin and leave for around 30 mins or until the mix has risen to two-thirds of the way up. Bake for 30 mins or until it’s lightly golden and a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean, then turn out onto a wire rack and leave to cool.
While the cake is baking, make the syrup. Put the brandy, sugar and 200ml water in a saucepan and boil for 5 mins until you have a thin syrup. When the cake is cool, carefully return it to the tin, then drizzle the hot liquid over the cake and leave it to soak in for 10-15 mins.
For the compote, put the berries, sugar and brandy in a saucepan, stir over a medium heat until the berries start to release their juices, around 3 mins, then remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool.
Whisk the cream, sugar and mace together until it forms soft peaks. To serve, place the soaked sponge on a large plate and spoon most of the berries into the middle. Top with the cream and the remaining berries before bringing to the the table and slicing.