Fajita chicken one-pot
Make the most of a classic combination of chicken and chorizo in this easy one-pot. Serve in large bowls with soured cream and a scattering of parsley.
Nutrition: Per serving
Heat the oil in a large, lidded saucepan over a medium-high heat, then add the garlic and chopped green chilli. Once these start to sizzle, pour in the passata, then cover and cook over a medium heat for 8 mins. Meanwhile, prepare the chicken. Put the yogurt, all the spices and ½ tsp salt in a bowl, and mix well. Add the chicken and mix until well coated. Set aside and keep covered until needed, or marinate for up to 24 hrs, if you have time.
Once the passata is cooked, stir in the spices along with 100ml boiling water from the kettle. Scrape the excess marinade off the chicken and into the pan, then add the chicken, cover and cook over a medium heat for 10-12 mins until cooked through. Add the honey and fenugreek, and mix well. To serve, drizzle with the cream, sprinkle over the coriander leaves and the sliced green chilli, if using. Serve with cooked rice.