Scandi trout with fennel potato salad
This low-calorie Scandinavian-style fish dish with a mustard and honey glaze is served with a light and creamy potato side
Nutrition: Per serving (10)
Check the salmon to make sure it’s pin-boned – if you feel any bones on the fish, use a pair of tweezers to pull them out. Pat the flesh dry with kitchen paper. Around 2-3 days before you want to serve, mix the coriander, sugar, salt, molasses, most of the dill and pomegranate seeds together. Lay the salmon in a dish, skin-side down, and rub the mixture all over the flesh. Cover and put in the fridge, then leave for at least two days or up to three, turning the fillet once during the curing process.
Lift the salmon out of the curing mixture and wipe off any excess seasoning using kitchen paper. Put the fish on a large serving board and thinly slice with a sharp knife. Scatter with the extra pomegranate seeds and dill to serve, alongside your choice of accompaniments.