Welcome to the first BBC Good Food Nation Report 2016. As Britain’s biggest food media brand, we have a massive reach across print, digital, social and live events, so we know you’ll find this insight as interesting and informative as we do. The report is based on the findings of the Good Food Nation Survey 2016: our research was carried out in 2016 among a nationally representative sample of 5,050 UK adults. The data has helped to build a fascinating picture of our eating habits in 2016.


Read the full Good Food Nation Report 2016

We’ve made seven key discoveries that will inform and inspire our content this year.

* We’re eating out more - with our average weekly spend up from £17.22 last year to £19.10 in 2016

* We’re still cooking from scratch regularly - just over half describe themselves as good cooks and 8% are ‘expert’ in the kitchen

* We’re eating too much meat (unless, that is, you’re one of the UK’s growing number of vegans)

* Fish & chips: no longer our favourite dish. Today we’re more likely to treat ourselves to curry

* Instagram Stories and Snapchat are catnip to millennials - because photographing our food is almost as fun as eating it

* ‘Sugar-free’ and ‘NutriBullet’ are this year’s food buzzwords – healthy eating is top of mind

There are regional differences, too: Northern Ireland eats dinner earlier than everyone else, and Wales has the highest percentage of non meat-eaters.

In addition to the GFN 2016 Survey findings, we’ve highlighted key statistics from bbcgoodfood.com, insight from our team of food experts across all BBC Good Food platforms, and from our wide-ranging and influential contacts in the food world.


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